About this course

从1到10打分,你会怎么评价自己的沟通能力? 你是否觉得自己的沟通技巧是否有待提高? 如果你的沟通能力有所进步, 你认为这会让你从中受益吗? 如果有时你会因为不能清楚的表达自我而感到苦恼, 如果你想让其他人真正理解你想表达的意思, 那么本次课程会就是为你而定制的。 本次沟通技巧课程会旨在帮助学员提高沟通能力,从而更加自信,清晰且有说服力地表达与人沟通。
• 时长 8-10分钟
• 含有英文和中文字幕
• 包含马上可以在实际工作中应用的可执行的项目
• 含有多个例子和现实生活情况

On a scale from 1 to 10, how would you rate your communication skills? Would you agree that you could improve your communication skills? And if you improved your communication skills, do you think you would benefit from that improvement? If you sometimes feel frustrated because you can’t verbalize exactly what you want to say, if you want people to really listen to you and understand you, then this class is right for you.
 This unique communication skills course will help you learn how to communicate your true meaning with more clarity, persuasiveness and confidence.
This course contains 4 videos. Each video:
• Lasts between 8 and 10 minutes
• Has English and Chinese subtitles
• Contains actionable items you must apply in your job right now
• Comes with several examples and real-life situations

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Module: The Art of Communication

    • Course 1: Foreign clients keep ignoring my emails. What can I do to get clients to read them?

    • Course 2: How can I maintain good communication over the phone with my foreign buyer?

    • Course 3: What words buyers like to hear, and what words do they dislike?

    • Course 4: How to build trust with foreign buyers, online or offline?